Staci Bishop

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Surviving Cold & Flu Season: Lifestyle

This is the first post in a 3-part series. 

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." 
~ Benjamin Franklin

Cold & Flu season is here. Below you will find some of my favorite tips and tricks that I use to keep my family healthy. I've started with lifestyle changes that we have made. Over the next few days we will look at various ways to aid the immune system and treat the body naturally should sickness occur.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor. These are simply home remedies that I have researched on my own and applied to my family for health and wellness. 

Lifestyle: These may seem obvious but it's important that we take the time to do them. If you take care of your body on the inside, it will serve you well.

  • Water - Good ole H2O keeps the body hydrated and keeps the bowels moving. Toxins like to hide out in the intestinal track so it's important to keep your system flushed out. Winter is also a very dry time of year and staying good and hydrated will help your skin not to be so irritated. You can't really overdo this one. Drink, Drink, Drink!
  • Exercise - I'm a huge fan of hot yoga. Not only am I making stronger muscles but I'm detoxing my body at the same time by sweating. If yoga isn't your thing, find something else. My hubby does indoor rock climbing. My daughter does hip hop and is about to start karate. Aside from physical benefits, exercise releases all sorts of good hormones and boost cells that keep the brain and body happy. That hard work also keeps your heart and lungs healthy as well!
  • Rest - If you are tired and run down, your immune system is more susceptible to an attack. Try to slow down and make it a point to get adequate rest.
  • Nutrition - Did you know that sugar suppresses the immune system for up to 5 hours? A balanced diet is key during peak sickness seasons. Avoid processed foods. Stick with fresh fruits & veggies and make sure you have adequate protein intake. 
  • Hot Baths - This is another easy way to detox the body. Run a bath as warm as you can stand it. Add 1 cup of epsom salt and 2 tablespoons of grated fresh ginger. Stay in for at least 20 minutes. The combination should cause you to sweat out toxins. 
  • Chiropractic - This form of care is not just for back pain. Aligning the spine allows the brain to effectively communicate with the rest of the body. If someone around here starts feeling puny, this is the first place we go. It's also important to keep the immune system working properly through regular maintenance so I would recommend a visit every 4-6 weeks. We use Batson Chiropractic. LOVE them!
  • Fevers - Our society is inundated with fear about high body temperatures but that fever has a purpose. It means your immune system is working. I always let a fever run its course. I push fluids and try to wait it out only introducing Tylenol or ibuprofen if myself or my child become extremely uncomfortable. 

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